Wednesday, May 30, 2007

My Mighty God

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Sound & Light Game

I had a very enjoyable time playing this sound and light related game on anak-on-line.

It was both exciting and, at the same time interesting, because the further into the game I progressed, the more difficult it became.

However this was actually a positive thing, as I was then given the opportunity to demonstrate my skills as a knowladgeable individual by answering the required questions.

Overall, I had a wonderful time and learnt some interesting facts at the same time!

Friday, May 25, 2007

Bahasa Indonesia

Warna- Warna

Warnailah bagian-bagian dari kalimat-kalimat di bawah ini dengan warna-warna tertentu:

Subyek : merah

Predikat : hijau

Obyek : biru

Keterangan : kuning


1.Hari ini kami bermain drama di sekolah.

2. Anna menjahit baju dengan baik.

3. Tanaman itu tumbuh dengan subur di tamanku.

4. Petani membajak sawah di pagi hari.

5. Ibu memarahi Dodi karena kenakalannya.

6. Gigi Dodi dicabut oleh dokter kemarin.

7. Dodi membawa tasnya ke dalam kamar.

8. Andika merawat kucing peliharaannya dengan penuh kasih.

9. Dani mendengarkan nasihat dokter itu dengan sungguh-sungguh.

10. Sang majikan selalu memperlakukan mereka dengan kejam.

Off to school I go

Five days per week, it's off to school I go,
Starting in the early hours, until three o'clock or so.

As I make my way up the stairs and over to grade three,
It's there that I will find my friends smiling back at me.

I return their smiles, and greeting them I say,
Good morning grade three, what a beautiful and glorious day!

One by one we form a line, ready to enter our class,
And there at the top of the line, our teacher smiles and asks,

Grade three, you are all smiles today, is something going on?
But what our teacher doesn't know is that we are just happy to belong.

God above has blessed us with such a lovely school,
To not to appreciate His blessing, would make us a fool.

So thank You God, for blessing us with SPH,
To all of us, well, it's the very best school by far!


Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Character Day Reflection

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

This week at SPH, the PYP students are celebrating books! Hence the name given to this particular week is 'Book Week'.

As part of the festivities of book week, on Wednesday May 23 2007, the PYP students celebrated their favourite characters by dressing in the costume of their choice. I happened to choose Snow White, however there were numerous other wonderful selections by other students also.

The day started off with a character parade where students exhibited their beautiful costumes to their audience by parading through the school grounds, making their way to the gymnasium where they were met by an eager crowd.

Next to come was the individual character descriptions. Each student gave a short description about their particular character and a few details of interest about it and why they chose it.

Following a short break, the audience was then entertained by grade four when they came on the stage to show us their story telling abilities.

To finish off the mornings activities, Mr Victor lead a talented group of grade five students as they played some fine music.

After all the planned events had been completed, next came the eagerly awaited trophy presentations. All of the awards were given to the most deserving students, and we in grade three were pleased as we took the prize for the best door decorations, we had a really brilliant time!

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Snow White

Generate Your Own Glitter Graphics @ - Image hosted by

Hello everyone, I'm Snow White. I was named such because of my complexion, which is as white as snow.
My step mother, the queen, was so terribly jealous of my beauty that she ordered her men to find me and cut out my heart, that was to be delivered back to the her in a box!
Fearing for my life, I ran into the forest where I found a lovely cottage that became my home, together with seven dwarfs who became my beloved friends.
However, the queen, disguised as an old women, tricked me into eating a poisonous apple and, upon doing so I fell into a deep sleep and was finally woken by a kiss from a handsome prince and lived happily ever after.

Image Enhancer

Add some dazzle and sparkle to boring graphics with this image enhancer! You can convert jpegs too, just so long as the file is not too big. Mine is not sparkling as it should be for some reason but go ahead and try yours at

Friday, May 18, 2007

Ibu Shirley's Mathematics Game

Ibu Shirley found an extremely interesting mathematics game about area and perimeter. Besides learning alot from playing the game, I also had some fun in the process!

I was a risktaker when I played the game because I tried something new. Also, whilst playing the game, I displayed my ability to be a thinker, because I had to come up with the correct answer.

Learning is really enjoyable when, like in this case, we didn't even realize that we were learning because we were having so much fun!

5 Jenis Alat Musik Tradisional Di Indonesia

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1. Angklung (dari Jawa Barat)
Cara memainkan angklung: dengan cara diyoyang atau digetarkan sehingga menghasilkan nada tertentu.

2. Gamelan Jawa (dari Jawa Tengah)
Cara memainkan Gamelan Jawa: hanya dengan cara dipukul.

3. Kolintang (dari daerah Minahasa/Sulewesi Utara)
Minimal harus dimainkan 6 orang dengan fungsi masing masing,
misalnya: memegang gitar, melodi, ukelele, bas dan banjo.
Cara memainkan kolintang dengan cara dipukul.
4. Rebana (dari Lombok)
Cara memainkan rebana dengan cara dipukul.
5. Kendang (dari Maluku)
Cara memainkan kendang dengan cara dipukul.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

The Blue Court

This morning in our math lesson, the grade 3 students measured the blue court.

We used a piece of paper that measured exactly one metre in length as our measuring device. We found that the blue court was 33 meters in length and 20 meters in width, therefore the total area of the blue court is 660m2.

Whilst doing this activity I used my quality as a thinker, as my partner and I had to think how we should measure the blue court with the only device that was available, which in this case was a piece of paper that acted as our ruler.

Reflecting back on the construction of my harp.

Reflecting back on the construction of my harp.
The grade three students were recently asked to construct their own instruments that were both pleasing to the eye and actually generated a good sound.
I chose to construct a harp, (the finished product is pictured above) and upon choosing this musical instrument, I made a mind map of the steps that I would take to create it.
Looking back, I can see that I was showing my qualities a risk taker when I chose this particular instrument, as the harp is not an easy instrument to put together.
I would have to say the reason that I chose the harp in the first place is because it is so pleasing to look at and the sound that is generated from it is so very lovely. This musical instrument is often associated with angels, (Another good reason to choose a harp).
However, actually making the harp was anything but lovely! It was confusing and frustrating from the very beginning! It all looked so easy in the photo that I was using for an example, but in reality it was very difficult.
I used old bits and pieces from around the house, as was the plan, but I found that I had to keep changing the construction plan as it looked nothing like my photo!
In the end however, I finally got everything into place (except the strings that still will not cooperate) and there it was, my harp, finished!

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Jesus Lives

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Blessed are those who can see,
The hope and light that comes from He.

We walk as one, together with Him,
Never alone, having found that peace within.

Afraid is something we never shall be,
His promise so great, it is there for all to see.

Love Him now with all your heart,
If you don't, here's how to start,

Bow your head and seek His name,
Once you have, your life will never be the same

Transformed you will be from darkness to light,
Walk on now, favoured in His sight.

Live this life for Him and shine,
All eternity then, shall be yours and mine.

P.R Bahasa

Di kelas tiga, kami sedang belajar tentang suara-suara binatang...
Ini adalah contoh untuk suara-suara binatang di seluruh dunia,

Babi: Mengorok.

Anjing: menggonggong

Kucing : mengeong

Kerbau: melenguh

Burung: berkicau

Ticus: bercit-cit-cit

Bebek: berquek-quek

Harimau dan singa: ngaung

Ular: mendesis

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Water Pollution

In our experimental science class we were divided into groups of two and were asked to research into either air pollution or water pollution. I, together with my selected fellow class members, were assigned the task of finding out more about water pollution.

This subject, as I was about to find out, is both important and interesting. I didn't realize that so many different things can cause our waterways damage. I have to wonder how many people are like me and just don't realize that they should be more aware of the damage that our actions have on our precious water supplies.

Here are some interesting facts that I discovered whilst researching water pollution:

Humans are the number one contributing factor in the polluting of waterways, some of the ways that we can help to decrease the pollution of water are to stop toxic waste entering our waterways,a main contributor to this is factories that want to get rid of their rubbish and simply pump it into the rivers or oceans, in many cases the company uses piping that is easy for others to see (you would think that they would be too ashamed). This piping pumps out toxic waste and other rubbish that the company doesn't want, directly into our beautiful water supply!

Another way we can make a difference is to be aware of germs and bacteria entering our waters. The occurance of acid rain is another factor, along with oil spills and ground water that makes it's way into our oceans and rivers. People discarding plastic and other unwanted articles into the water must be stopped also.

So many things can be done to start reducing the amount of pollution in our waterways, so let us start now, take action and make a difference.


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This morning the grade 3 students, with partners, worked on making a Cup - A - Phone.

Firstly,we prepared the things that we would need, which in this case was just a cup and some string. We took the string then we joined it to the cup bypushing it through a hole that we had made for this purpose. I think my partner and I were thinkers, as we had to plan how big the hole should be before joining the string.Once we were done we went into the atrium to try it out.
My partner and I tried our best not to let the string bend. If the string did bend then a problem would arise when we attempted to whisper into the Cup-A-Phone, our voice would not reach the other side. We had to be careful not totouch the string or else our voice would not travel the full length ofthe string, but instead stop in the place we touched it.

My partner and I also had to be knowledgeable because we had to predict how to tie the knot and how many times to repeat the tie. I really enjoyed this activity as I learnt many new things.