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Water Pollution

In our experimental science class we were divided into groups of two and were asked to research into either air pollution or water pollution. I, together with my selected fellow class members, were assigned the task of finding out more about water pollution.

This subject, as I was about to find out, is both important and interesting. I didn't realize that so many different things can cause our waterways damage. I have to wonder how many people are like me and just don't realize that they should be more aware of the damage that our actions have on our precious water supplies.

Here are some interesting facts that I discovered whilst researching water pollution:

Humans are the number one contributing factor in the polluting of waterways, some of the ways that we can help to decrease the pollution of water are to stop toxic waste entering our waterways,a main contributor to this is factories that want to get rid of their rubbish and simply pump it into the rivers or oceans, in many cases the company uses piping that is easy for others to see (you would think that they would be too ashamed). This piping pumps out toxic waste and other rubbish that the company doesn't want, directly into our beautiful water supply!

Another way we can make a difference is to be aware of germs and bacteria entering our waters. The occurance of acid rain is another factor, along with oil spills and ground water that makes it's way into our oceans and rivers. People discarding plastic and other unwanted articles into the water must be stopped also.

So many things can be done to start reducing the amount of pollution in our waterways, so let us start now, take action and make a difference.