Warnailah bagian-bagian dari kalimat-kalimat di bawah ini dengan warna-warna tertentu:
Subyek : merah
Predikat : hijau
Obyek : biru
Keterangan : kuning
1.Hari ini kami bermain drama di sekolah.
2. Anna menjahit baju dengan baik.
3. Tanaman itu tumbuh dengan subur di tamanku.
4. Petani membajak sawah di pagi hari.
5. Ibu memarahi Dodi karena kenakalannya.
6. Gigi Dodi dicabut oleh dokter kemarin.
7. Dodi membawa tasnya ke dalam kamar.
8. Andika merawat kucing peliharaannya dengan penuh kasih.
9. Dani mendengarkan nasihat dokter itu dengan sungguh-sungguh.
10. Sang majikan selalu memperlakukan mereka dengan kejam.
As part of the festivities of book week, on Wednesday May 23 2007, the PYP students celebrated their favourite characters by dressing in the costume of their choice. I happened to choose Snow White, however there were numerous other wonderful selections by other students also.
The day started off with a character parade where students exhibited their beautiful costumes to their audience by parading through the school grounds, making their way to the gymnasium where they were met by an eager crowd.
Next to come was the individual character descriptions. Each student gave a short description about their particular character and a few details of interest about it and why they chose it.
Following a short break, the audience was then entertained by grade four when they came on the stage to show us their story telling abilities.
To finish off the mornings activities, Mr Victor lead a talented group of grade five students as they played some fine music.
After all the planned events had been completed, next came the eagerly awaited trophy presentations. All of the awards were given to the most deserving students, and we in grade three were pleased as we took the prize for the best door decorations, we had a really brilliant time!
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