Spinning, spinning, turning as you go, How I love to watch you move to and fro, Made one with the wind, Spinning high, spinning low, Oh windmill, how I love you so!
Posted by Christiana Louisa on Saturday, April 7, 2007 at 5:32 AM |Permalink
Well done Tiana! You have a lot of space at the bottom of this post. That also happened to me when I uploaded an animation. Just click on the pencil at the bottom (you must be signed in) to edit and you can delete the extra space. Mrs Jane
Well done Tiana! You have a lot of space at the bottom of this post. That also happened to me when I uploaded an animation. Just click on the pencil at the bottom (you must be signed in) to edit and you can delete the extra space.
Mrs Jane
Posted by Jane in Java | April 7, 2007 at 7:03 AM
Good picture! It's cool!
Posted by cute Juhee | April 9, 2007 at 4:04 AM