Number five on my 'needs' list
Last, but definitely not least, on my list of five needs, I chose friends. I believe that friends are an essential part of our life, so I could not complete my list without this very important addition to my list. True friends help us in times of need and support us in what we chose do in our lives.
True friends do not judge us, but rather endeavour to help us in all situations, even sometimes if they don't agree with us or understand completely our intentions. True friends trust one another and believe in one another. True friends are priceless.
Nice Animation Tiana!
I agree with you.
Posted by GGM Company-Josceline | April 11, 2007 at 5:24 AM
Salutations Tiana!
nice blog.
Your I want, I need Tiana
Posted by Kalista in America | April 11, 2007 at 6:48 AM
I agree with you that we need friends whenever and wherever.
Posted by Joshua Hutabarat | April 12, 2007 at 4:49 AM